Our partners:

EMS is happy to cooperate in a joint claim solution. The EMS Claimsengine® can also be connected to your own product range, in order to broaden your proposition and thereby respond better to the wishes of your customers. It is therefore not necessary to spend a lot of time building or renovating existing solutions, because the Claimsengine® can be quickly and easily connected to your own software. Advantages of entering into a Functional Partnership with EMS are:

  1. Distinction. By using the EMS Claimsengine® you are able to quickly create a solution that meets all current expectations, such as great customer experience, data protection, etc.
  2. Freedom. Because the EMS Claimsengine® can be used independently, you can easily connect the software to your current system and make direct contact with your customers.
  3. Speed. Implementing the Claimsengine® takes little time and requires a non-complicated integration process. This allows you to switch quickly on the (changing) insurance market.
  4. Independence. The EMS Claimsengine® can be deployed on a variety of different systems. Because of this, you are not obliged to high implementation fees and you don’t have to adjust your current intellectual property.

EMS is always looking for Channel/Reselling partners. As a partner, you can offer the EMS Claimsengine® to your own customers & partners, generate leads and jointly broaden our offer. EMS promises to go along with the latest developments in the field of automation, software and insurance. This allows you to offer a future-proof product with confidence.

EMS likes to work with Implementation partners, where the Claimsengine® can be seamlessly connected to an existing claims solution. As an implementation partner, the Claimsengine® can be offered to existing and new customers, as a result of which innovation is taking place within the current software. Your customers do not have to build complicated links with EMS themselves.

Basic CMYK

Functional & Channel partner

Functional partner

Functional partner

Implementation & Functional partner


Functional partner

Bugs Business

Functional & Channel partner

Functional partner

Functional partner

Implementation & Channel partner

Functional partner

Functional partner

Functional partner

Implementation partner

Functional partner

Functional partner


Functional partner

Functional partner


Channel partner

Functional partner

Functional partner

Functional partner

Functional partner