EMS Claimsengine®

The core of our offer is the EMS Claimsengine®. It is a unique cloud-based alternative to traditional claims handling that enables your organisation to STP handle your bulk damages, allowing you more time for exceptional damages. The customer reports the damage himself, without you having to make concessions on quality and customer service.

The EMS Claimsengine® gives you the opportunity to offer a fantastic customer experience to your end users. The customer holds a central position in the use of the Claimsengine®, which increases customer satisfaction and makes customers more likely to commit to you. Reporting damage: ‘The moment of truth’, has never been such an easy experience.

End-to-End claims management solution

The Claimsengine® allows you to STP handle your bulk damages based on policy’s T&C. In the Claimsegine®, damages can be reported and the engine is able to make decisions for payment, fixing or (automatic) rejection.

The Claimsengine® is suitable for insurers, brokers and underwriting agents. With all these customers EMS uses a Preserve and Extend method, which means that the Claimsengine® is linked to existing systems. As a result, these systems are not replaced, but expanded, making them better prepared for the (digital) future.

With the use of this software it becomes possible, for all parties involved, to work from one system. These include for example the insured, claims handler, claims expert and the repairer. The Claimsengine® guarantees and End-to-End claims management solution.

About EMS Claims Solutions Provider

EMS was established having in mind the following idea: gaining efficiency in the modern-day insurance market. In 2013 the first steps towards the Claimsengine® were made and with the years of internal experience, the first blueprint was a fact. The software was developed with expertise of insurers, claims experts and claims handlers and is, now, in 2021, a unique program on the (international) insurance market. With our reselling, technology and implementation partners we are constantly working on solutions and improvements in order to make our product innovative now and in the future.

Customer focus

EMS centralizes the end user. The insured can report their loss easier and faster and will soon get clarity on the handling of the claim. Customer communication has never been this easy, which increases customer satisfaction, encouraging higher levels of customer loyalty.

Optimize claims

Several checks are executed automatically, ensuring an easier and faster process when handling a claim. The damage amount is validated and assessed. This makes the settlement of the claim consistent and efficient.

Maximize compliancy

The Claimsengine® is a transparent and efficient method of claims handling. The claims are assessed based on the Policy terms and conditions. The customer receives insight on the handling of their claim, through several means of contact options.

Software as a Service

The Claimsengine® can be accessed, with an internet connection, across the globe. This means that the customer can use the system 24/7. In addition, the claims handler is able to assess the claim wherever and whenever they want, or can choose to continue the settlement process at a later point.

Our product

The core of the offer of EMS Claims Solutions Provider is the Claimsengine® . The software is cloud-based and allows you to STP handle your bulk damages within motor vehicle, household, mobile devices, home, liability and travel insurance. This leaves you more time for exceptional damages, so that the expertise of your team is deployed at the right time.

The customer reports the damage himself, without you having to make concessions on quality and customer service. The Claimsengine® gives you the opportunity to offer a fantastic customer experience to your end users. Reporting a claim is now easy and fast. In addition, the customer immediately knows what the outcome of his claim is or what steps will be taken to settle his claim.

Reporting damage: ‘The moment of truth’, has never been such an easy experience. With the Claimsengine® you are in-control of the damage reports from your customers and you strengthen your position on the market.


Mobile devices



